A Tradition for Over 80 Years!
Camp Linn Haven is a Christian summer camp owned by Camp Linn Haven, Inc., and affiliated with the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Established in 1940, Camp Linn Haven is a non-profit organization operated and managed by a Board of Directors.
Situated on 52 acres of pristine Blue Ridge mountain property, Linn Haven is located on NC Highway 181 two miles south in Linville, NC. The property consists of level grassy meadows as well as forests filled with native hardwoods and evergreens. The scenic Linville River borders the camp.
Our Mission
Provide a wholesome, safe Christian vacation setting for persons of all ages and abilities. Offer opportunities to combine the camping experience with worship and devotional activities. Encourage fellowship through the many and varied recreational activities offered by the camp.
Camper lodging consist of 18 modern cabin-units that will accommodate six-eight persons. Each unit is equipped with a large bath facility. All cabins have a covered porch or stoop complete with swings and benches. Several on site laundry areas and clotheslines are easily accessible.
The Retreat Center is available for rental year round. It is a fully heated two level building with four large sleeping rooms holding up to eight people. The lower level consist of a kitchen, dining area, and meeting space.
RV and Tent Camping
RV & Tent camping is available on a space available basis. There are 25 camping sites equipped with power, water, and sewer hookups. A bathhouse with bath and toilet facilities is located in the center of the campground. The RV sites are ready for us Memorial Day through Labor Day.
See schedule and rates page for lodging prices.
Camp Manager, Teirsa Lane
Teirsa Lane has been the Manager at Camp Linn Haven for over 20 years. She is available to answer your questions about camp year round. Teirsa handles all reservations for the campground, retreat center, and regular camping weeks. She also schedules all youth who want to work in the kitchen. Please contact Teirsa for all kitchen positions for the summer of 2025.
Lee Jones - Caretaker
Camp Linn Haven Board of Directors
Tanya “Dinky” Eddins, Chair
Todd Hefner, Vice-Chair
Clayton Abernathy, Secretary
Erin Sigmon, Treasurer
Pr. Bryan Chestnutt
Tom Dale
Gene Hahn
Stuart Hofman
Terry Kuchenbecker
Debbie Roseman, LWML
Lisa Sain
Pr. Mark Seaman